Tuesday, December 04, 2007

2007 Kwanzaa

A Misconception of Disease

By Dr. Abayomi Meeks

One of the most disturbing issues I have encountered repeatedly in my practice as a healer, who is also a doctor of acupuncture, oriental medicine and complementary medicine is the misconception of disease. The idea that disease exists when the manifestation of symptoms appears.

The first point I would like to make about this issue is that the word “disease” dissected is “dis-ease” this compartmentalization of the word reveals the most basic symptom of any disease; is dis-ease or discomfort. This is the earliest sign in most cases that there is something wrong with your mind, body or spirit, the feeling of discomfort or imbalance (as it is referred to in traditional Chinese medicine), is your body’s way of alerting you to pay attention to your internal environment, while evaluating how the external environment is affecting you.

Most Americans of all races creed and colors are conditioned not to go to the doctor unless something appears wrong. Usually folks have different levels of pain tolerance and thus, do not see any doctor unless there is some moderate to severe discomfort. Men particularly usually wait until the last minute to seek care. This is a huge mistake if you intend to be healthy or even want to just survive. In the case of most chronic diseases, by the time it is detected by western medical diagnosis or by evaluation of symptoms the disease pattern has already become firmly established within your body. Therefore we are treating an imbalance which has a host of complex patterns or symptoms which must be treated in order to establish a cure at best; and least minimized. From the Eastern and Holistic medicine standpoint all disease is treated easier if it is detected early. Early detection is the key strategy to counter the development of most diseases.

The fact that African and Latino men do not trust doctors or the mainstream medical establishment is understandable due to the prevalence of disparities in health care. However, this resistance to health care is a major contributor to the rising mortality and morbidity rates of cardiovascular disease, cancers, cardiopulmonary disease, to name a few, that ravage our communities. People of color must stop this destructive behavior by striving for a life filled with hope, not apathy, pro-action not reaction, discipline not disqualification. In medical school we study the etiology of disease, we study how disease develops. We consider its beginning maturity and hopefully its end. A true healer wants to help the patient to heal themselves, while participating in a supportive role. I believe that no doctor of any system can heal a patient. Only the spirit, desire, will and commitment of that individual patient, combined with a sound treatment plan, and scientific techniques of a trained medical practitioner/ healer can achieve a cure. Consider this idea, that “most diseases develop and become advanced based on our lifestyle, thoughts, behaviors etc., therefore how can any medicine that you take 2-3 times daily cure you of a disease which developed over years due to your lifestyle habits (ie. Work, diet, exercise, emotional habits etc.). The medicine or drug would have to be so powerful as to override (force) your natural bodily processes to sustain your life. Thus, most likely causing damage to other organ systems within your body. This type of damage is referred to medically as side-effects or adverse reactions. Most times these side-effects are just as debilitating as the disease itself. In order to minimize your exposure or dependency on medicines or drugs that are this powerful you must be healthy or at least be sensitive enough to determine early, where you are experiencing abnormal health, and be proactive enough to take decisive well informed action immediately; hopefully allaying a health catastrophe. Your best bet is health practioners trained in a preventative medicine which can detect, diagnose and treat disease before it becomes major. Keeping in mind that natural medicines need more time to be effective than pharmaceuticals, which work more quickly but have the risks of greater side-effects and adverse reactions. Natural medicines also have a powerful affect on the human organism therefore they must be respected as well, because they too can do harm when used improperly. Always seek the care of licensed professional healthcare providers, never self treat.

So remember that you are the primary care physician you are the one who must first maintain healthy habits of eating, rest and exercise, as well as prayer, meditation , quiet time, and nutritional supplementation. In conclusion, most cases of disease develops small (acute) and becomes larger (chronic) over time. Neutralize it sooner and it will not become severe. Practice being healthy everyday. Utilize Dr. Meeks disease prevention fundamentals:

1) Dis-ease should be detected and treated as early as possible (get annual physical exams).
2) Eat, drink, sleep, exercise, work, and play with moderation.
3) Everything in life should be balanced
4) Express your emotions openly and honestly without hurting yourself or other it’s hard, do
your best!)
5) Seek professional help for maladies of the mind or body
6) Peace and quiet are essential for spiritual growth and development
7) Periodic fasting is necessary to refresh the body, mind and spirit
8) Be consistent and disciplined
9) Be happy and healthy

Peace and Blessings